About US

Hello, I’m JP Attueyi

I started this informational site because I feel there is a knowledge gap about the insurance industry in Nigeria. 3rd party Liability insurance is mandatory in Nigeria, so people are paying for it but they are not taking advantage of it.

I spent my first 18 years in Nigeria, then the next 12 in the US before I came back to Nigeria so, I understand how insurance works and I intend to share my experience with you.

My aim is to enlighten you about the insurance industry, show you how to take advantage of the liability insurance you have already paid for, and consider getting  comprehensive car insurance if you don’t already have it.

I have had a lot of “damn it” moments trying to navigate driving in Lagos, Nigeria. Now I am sharing my experience to educate you on how to best protect yourself and your family out there.

Read some of my best contents here

We designed some of our pictures using www.freepix.com particularly for posts where we answered some of the questions of our readers.